Capacity development

Our capacity development activities were targeted at the individual, organisational and network levels to influence researchers, research leaders and research users.  Between 2012-2016, RESYST organised or supported researchers to participate in 145 capacity building activities or events across 18 countries. 

Individual level

We supported individual RESYST members to conduct, manage, lead and communicate research by organising or funding researchers to attend workshops, training sessions etc. Beyond these activities, researchers also benefitted from on-the-job learning by participating in research activities and Consortium management discussions. 

Organisational level

Our activities supported the development of strong, independent Health Policy and Systems Research groups to conduct high quality research and inform policy development. We supported junior researchers to develop funding applications for research projects, and members to organise academic seminars and journal clubs within their organisations.

Network level

At the network level, activities supported the development of communities of practice in Health Policy and Systems Research, that operate at the consortium, national and international levels. Strengthening network capacity not only leads to enhanced use of research evidence in policy but also increases the demand for research evidence for policy decisions.


CHEPSAA - Collaboration for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in Africa, supports the teaching of Health Policy and Systems Research by discussing principles of curriculum development, highlighting good teaching practice and sharing resources.

Several RESYST members are involved in CHEPSAA, and have helped to develop curricular for Health Policy and Systems Research courses. 

Impacts of RESYST capacity development work

In 2018 we asked researchers how being part of RESYST had impacted on their professional growth and development. Click on the image below to see the responses.