Webinar: Demonstrating research impact

Join us for a free webinar on Monday 1st February, 10am GMT.

25 January 2016

Research into use is an integral part of the RESYST Consortium, and from the outset we have strived to influence policy and practice; by ensuring that research is relevant, that stakeholders are actively involved in the research, and that findings include clear policy messages and are appropriately communicated.

However, demonstrating the relevance and impact of research beyond academia can be challenging, and it is now an essential requirement of many research funders.

In this webinar, Rebecca Wolfe, Research Uptake Manager at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, shares the approach that the RESYST Consortium has developed to track, monitor and describe the impact of its research on policy and practice.

The webinar will:

  • Highlight challenges in demonstrating research impact including in measuring impact and in proving contribution.
  • Show the different indicators that RESYST use to track and measure impact.
  • Introduce a Research Impact framework that has been developed to help researchers describe impacts and the pathways (from research to outputs to engagement to impact).
  • Share some impact stories emerging from RESYST research and showcase different ways of telling these stories, including through video, infographics and written case studies.

The webinar will be useful for researchers and communication specialists who need to demonstrate the impact of their work to their institution, funder or to the general public.

The webinar will be hosted on GoToMeeting - Access Code: 550-000-013

For further instructions on how to join, click here.