The ethics of health systems research: Selected guidelines and studies

Research in Gender and Ethics (RinGs): Building Stronger Health Systems has put together this resource that gathers together a selection of some of the most useful and interesting frameworks and papers on ethics that we have come across.

RinGs, 2015

If you are doing health systems research you have probably grappled with ethical questions related to your work. Most studies are subject to ethical review before they even begin. But ethical principles and practice are something that should concern academics throughout the research process. To help you navigate the expanding world of ethics relevant to health systems research, Research in Gender and Ethics (RinGs): Building Stronger Health Systems has put together this resource that gathers together a selection of some of the most useful and interesting frameworks and papers that we have come across. We hope you find this preliminary list of resources useful and that you will help to build it up and strengthen it by sharing your own resources, papers, and thinking with us.

For more information about RinGs visit our website.

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