Photo of workshop participants

RESYST workshop on expanding health coverage for the informal sector

28 August 2013

On 26-28 August 2013, RESYST convened a workshop in Kigali, Rwanda, on how to expand health coverage for those outside the formal sector.

Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a priority objective of the World Health Organisation and a major goal for health reform in many countries. For many low and middle-income countries, a considerable challenge to UHC is in providing coverage for people outside the formal employment sector, many of whom are unable to afford financial contributions to the costs of health care.

The workshop bought together researchers and policymakers from Chile, Ghana, Indonesia, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Thailand. During which they shared experiences of extending health coverage to the informal sector, and discussed the merits and disadvantages of different financing mechanisms.

Photos of the meeting, including a trip to a newly built health clinic and maternity centre are available on our facebook page