Universal Health Coverage: A goal all countries can reach

The Elders have released a video stressing the importance of delivering social justice and leaving no one behind.

16 June 2016

The Elders launched their new campaign to fight for universal health coverage (UHC) worldwide at the Women Deliver Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. As part of their campaign they have released a video stressing how UHC is key to delivering social justice and leaving no one behind.

The Elders are an independent group of global leaders working together for peace and human rights who offer an independent voice not bound by the interests of any nation, government or institution.

“The Elders embrace the idea of universal health coverage because it is based on rights and equity, it is for all, and it has to be government policy” – Mary Robinson

“Too many people suffer ill-health, or even die, because they cannot get the treatment that should be readily available, households are plunged into poverty and the whole community suffers” – Gro Bruntland

“Even very small user fees stop poor people from accessing life-saving health services” – Hina Jilani

The Elders commitment, alongside the G7’s endorsement of UHC last month, signifies a tipping point in the movement for health for all.

The Elders’ UHC initiative has four key messages:

Read the Elders full UHC position paper

Find out more about RESYST research for UHC

Get ready for UHC day 2016