
The RESYST programme of research has been developed in consultation with key stakeholders ensuring that questions respond to country priorities and needs. 

Research focuses on three critical health system components: financing, health workforce and governance.


Research focuses on how best to finance universal health coverage in low and middle-income countries. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on achieving universal access to health services without the risk of financial catastrophe or impoverishment associated with obtaining care. Few lower income countries have a universal health system with many relying heavily on out-of-pocket payments (including user fees) for funding services, and have limited and fragmented prepayment mechanisms.

Health workforce

Research in this area will identify effective, practical interventions to address human resource constraints that are common in many low and middle-income countries, such as a lack of skilled health workers in rural areas where the vast majority of poor and disadvantaged patients live. We will also critically evaluate the role of the private sector (both commercial and not-for-profit) in training health workers in developing countries.


Within the Governance theme, we have a particular interest in the relationships among frontline actors and mid-level management, and leadership in health policy implementation processes. We are working within Learning Sites located at sub-national level to: conduct action research to support local managers in taking action on issues prioritized by them and of relevance to RESYST; and to investigate critical governance issues in real time, as health system policies are implemented.