RESYST research on strategic purchasing

Kara Hanson, Enyi Etiaba , Ogo Ibe, Ayako Honda, Nkoli Ezumah, Obinna Onwujekwe, Benjamin Uzochukwu , 2018

This presentation was given at the Health Financing and Governance Knowledge Synthesis Workshop held on 22-23 March in Abuja, Nigeria.

The presentation includes:

  • a definition of purchasing and a summary of three key purchasing functions;
  • an overview of the RESYST-APO purchasing study;
  • key finding emerging from the study;
  • analysis of strategic purchasing within the Formal Sector social health insurance programme (FSSHIP) and Government Budget (GTR) in Nigeria;
  • key messages and recommendations for FSSHIP and GTR.

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Nature and effects of multiple funding flows to public healthcare facilities:a case study from Nigeria

Presentation | Financing