Systems approaches in health

Kara Hanson , 2018
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

RESYST co-research director, Kara Hanson, presented at the 'Systems of public service delivery in developing countries' meeting, hosted by the Blavatnik School of Government on 14-15 May 2018. The workshop is part of a series of events that aim to create an interdisciplinary community of scholars conducting rigorous and solution-oriented research on issues of public management, public finance, governance, and public service delivery, and is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Kara's opening presentation gave an overview of:

  • Health systems as a topic
  • Health systems research as questions
  • Health systems research as method
  • Health systems research and policy impact

The presentation explored how research to date has focused on the 'building blocks' of systems, investigating each part of the health system in turn but more recently the field has turned towards studying 'whole system' performance and using embedded researchers.

All other presentations and workshop papers from the meeting are available to view here.

Presentation | General