Dr Jane Doherty

Jane Doherty (BVSc (Pretoria), M.Phil (Cantab), DHSM (Wits)) is a South African health systems and policy researcher with twenty-five years’ experience. She specialises in issues affecting the equity and effectiveness of the South African public health sector.

Between 1989 and 2001 Jane worked at the Centre for Health Policy at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) where she eventually became Deputy Director. Since 2001 she has worked independently but remains a part-time lecturer in the School of Public Health and at the Centre for Rural Health at the University of the Witwatersrand.

Jane’s research interests include health financing policy, hospital planning and management, district health systems, human resource planning and production, the public-private mix and methodological issues in policy research. She has written 45 reports, 12 book chapters and 20 journal articles, amongst other outputs such as policy briefs. She also acts as a reviewer for a number of international journals.

Beyond her research interests, Jane is committed to developing capacity for health systems and policy research in low- and middle-income countries. She has considerable experience in designing post-graduate courses, adult learning techniques and mentoring. She also acts as an external examiner for Master’s students and conducts research on effective capacity-building approaches.