Jane Macha

Jane Liberaty Macha is a Research Scientist at the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) with a background in sociology, public health, development and policy analysis. She obtained her first and second degrees at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Dar es Salaam. She is in the final year of her MscPH at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine distance learning program, in a Commonwealth funded scholarship.

Jane joined IHI in 2007 and has since been involved in research, engaging policy makers and stakeholders at different health system levels. She has worked in projects including Strategies for the Health Insurance and Equity in Less Developed countries (SHIELD) and Consortium for Research on Equitable Health System (CREHS).

She is among the core investigators in two projects which began January 2011 ‘Universal Coverage in Tanzania and South Africa: Monitoring and Evaluation Progress toward UC (UNITAS)’ and ‘BIMA PAMOJA’ that aim at understanding the opportunities and challenges of the takeover of overseeing the management and administration of an informal sector health insurance scheme by a formal sector scheme.