Webinar: Promoting accountability in the implementation of Nigeria’s National Health Act

Join us for a free webinar on Tuesday 19 April 2016.

05 April 2016

The new National Health Act in Nigeria aims to substantially increase revenue and improve Primary Health Care services through the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF). The fund is expected to be channeled through the National Primary Health Care Development Agency and National Health Insurance Scheme.

However, in order for this additional revenue to reach health services efficiently, strategies must be in place to ensure accountability between the different stakeholders responsible for implementing the Fund at national, state, local and health facility levels.

In this webinar, Professor Benjamin Uzochukwu, from the Health Policy Research Group at the College of medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu campus will introduce a framework that RESYST researchers have developed containing mechanisms to strengthen accountability and governance in implementing the BHCPF. He will also talk about researchers and stakeholders’ involvement in the development of the policy.

Alongside him, Dr Dan Ogbuabor a politician from Enugu State House of Assembly, will discuss progress in implementing the Fund as part of the National Health Act, and the potential role of the framework in this.

The webinar will be held at 1pm BST (GMT+1) on Tuesday the 19th of April.

You can join the webinar from your computer, tablet or smartphone at https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/149129461

You can also dial in using your phone. United Kingdom : +44 (0) 330 221 0088

Access Code: 149-129-461

If you are interested in joining the webinar please sephy [dot] valuks [at] lshtm [dot] ac [dot] uk (RSVP) or email sephy [dot] valuks [at] lshtm [dot] ac [dot] uk to receive a reminder on the day.

More information

Policy brief: Implementing the Basic Health Care Provision Fund in Nigeria: A framework for accountabiliy and good governance

Research summary: Guidelines for accountability in the implementation of the Primary Health Care Fund

Blog: Implementing Nigeria's 2014 National Health Act: Avoiding pitfalls and learning lessons from the education sector