Dr Mylene Lagarde

Dr Mylene Lagarde has been health economics at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine since 2005.

An economist by training, Mylene started to work on health issues in 2003, when she took a position as health financing advisor in the Ministry of Health in Cameroon to work on financing issues, including such as community-based insurance and social insurance. Since she joined the LSHTM, Mylene has been involved in various projects in two main areas: health financing and human resources for health.

On health financing, she has carried out several systematic reviews of financing mechanisms and their impact on access to care. She has also participated in different projects in Sub-Saharan Africa to implement and evaluate the impact of financing schemes, including the effects of user fee removal. On human resources, Mylene has been involved in several studies investigating the factors influencing the decisions made by health professionals, and the roles of various types of incentives on their choices.

She is particularly interested in applying innovative quantitative methods in her research. For example, she has used Discrete Choice Experiments to look at joc preferences in various settings, and she has used experimental economic games to look at the role of social preferences on health workers' decisions and to study remuneration mechanisms in health care.