
In India around 70% of total health expenditure is born by patients and their families as out-of -pocket payments, and this has led to huge indebtedness among the poor and most vulnerable households.

The Government of India is committed to substantially increasing its share of spending on health from its current level of 1.2% of Gross National Income, with the aim of reducing the financial burden of illness on households. There are two main strands of initiative – the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) to strengthen rural primary health care services; and a High Level Expert Committee on Universal Health Coverage, which has been convened to review and make recommendations on financing of secondary care.

RESYST research in India


  • Researchers will critically assess the performance of health care purchasers in India as part of the RESYST multi-country study on purchasing.

Health workforce

  • A cohort study of nursing graduates from public and private institutions in Tamil Nadu State aims to compare and contrast the characteristics of privately and publicly-trained nurses, as well as their career choices.

Member organisations in India

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Founded in 1959 the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences is one of the oldest in the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM), India. The Department's essentially inter-disciplinary...