RESYST are excited to be at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

The Symposium, held in Vancouver from 14-18 November 2016, will focus on resilient and responsive health systems for a changing world.

05 May 2016

Find out more about the organised, individual and satellite sessions RESYST have planned for the symposium.

Organised session:

Nurturing health system resilience through everyday leadership and reflective practice: experience from the DIAHLS and RESYST learning sites

This 90-minute participatory session, will draw upon experience from three African, long term, action-learning collaborations to share examples both of stressors and the everyday leadership strategies and reflective practices that can nurture resilience within a health system.

Individual sessions:


  • Critical analysis of strategic purchasing functions and performance: Vietnam social health insurance. Hoang Thi Phuong, Health Strategy and Policy Institute
  • Improving strategic purchasing for achieving UHC in the formal sector social health insurance programme: An Institutional analysis. Enyi Etiaba, Health Policy Research Group (eposter)
  • Strategic purchasing to improve performance of health care providers: the role of agency in public integrated health system in Enugu state. Ibe Ogochukwu, Health Policy Research Group (eposter)


  • The ‘shock’ of devolution in Kenya: implications on the financing and functioning of peripheral health facilities in Kenya, Evelyn Waweru, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
  • We are hanging, but … optimistic: Operational challenges for devolution from sub county managers in Kilifi, Coastal Kenya. Mary M. Nyikuri, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
  • Gender and ethics in practice: experiences of researchers conducting qualitative health policy and systems research studies. Sassy Molyneux, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
  • Examining the effects of political decentralisation in Kenya on health sector planning and budgeting: a case study of Kilifi County. Benjamin Tsofa, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
  • Exploring leadership within African health systems using a gender lens. Kelly Muruya, KEMRI-WT (eposter)

Health workforce

  • Quality of care and financial incentives in the public and private sectors in South Africa. Duane Blaauw, Centre for Health Policy

Satellite session:

Tuesday November 15, 13:30 - 17:00

What makes a resilient and responsive health system? Lessons learned from a multi-country research consortium.

The session is intended to prompt conversation and reflection among researchers and policymakers about resilience and responsiveness in health systems, and the policies and practices that support these, drawing on our research findings. The session will use research drawn from 7 countries to stimulate discussion about the opportunities and challenges for resilient and responsive health systems in a range of contexts and will specifically address a sub-theme of the symposium: ‘Enhancing health system resilience: absorbing shocks and sustaining gains in every setting’.

More details to follow soon.