Consortium management

The Consortium is led by a management team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom. The team consists of a Chief Executive Officer (Dr Andrea Egan) who is responsible for providing leadership and direction to the management of the RPC; Research Directors (Professor Lucy Gilson and Professor Kara Hanson) who are responsible for developing and implementing the research programme; and a Research Uptake Manager (Rebecca Wolfe) to plan, implement and evaluate the research uptake strategy.

Consortium Management Group

The management team are supported by a Management Group comprising representatives from all partners and one Research Theme co-Leader (RTL) from each of the three research teams (financing, health workforce and governance). This group are responsible for outlining the overall programme of work including research, research uptake and capacity development activities.

Consortium Advisory Group

A Consortium Advisory Group (CAG) comprises of researchers outside the Consortium to advise on the programme of work. Members of the CAG are:

  • Professor Jeff Waage, Director of the London International Development Centre, UK

  • Dr Ottar Maestad, Director of the Chr. Michelsen Centre, University of Bergen, Norway

  • Professor Anne Mills, Vice Director of the London School of Hygeine & Tropical Medicine, UK

  • Dr Kabir Sheikh, Public Health Foundation of India, India

  • Dr Sally Theobald, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

  • Dr Tolib Mirzoev, Nuffield Institute, Leeds University, UK

  • Ms Kate Hawkins, Institute of Development Studies, UK

  • Representatives from DFID including Malcolm McNeil (Senior Health Advisor), Dr Julia Watson (Senior Economic Advisor)